Availability :
I am currently working on Wednesday's, Thursday's and Sundays.
I am a young English Caribbean lady, learning the art of Thai Massage at Green Thai in Derby City Centre.
I have been studying massage for a few months and in between learning I am available to see a limited number of clients between 10am and 6pm.
You can see me on the shop website where you will also be able to book me and get a discount of £40.00 per hour for my relaxation massage.
I will soon be offering Deep Tissue and Thai Style, but I am still learning.
Green Thai Massage Therapy is in Green Lane, DE1 1RS. We are across from the new Coffee Shop. All rooms are perfect for massage and very clean.
You can also book some time in the steam pod before you massage for an extra £10.00.
You can pay either by cash or card.
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